

More than creating beautiful, naturalistic spaces, Close to the Earth reconnects people with their gardens, educates on how to build mutual respect with our land, and marries ancient wisdom to science in order to allow our environments to flourish.
Elizabeth Woodcock, is the founder, creator and guardian of Close to the Earth, a garden consultation service based in the science and application of regenerative gardening.
“I’m an ambassador of the natural world, it needs a human voice. I grew up in the wild places of the bogs, fells and wild places in Cumbria, witnessing intricate connections between plant and animal. Gardening regeneratively is intuitive and I am most alive when I am fully immersed in the natural world. I want to share my passion with others to bring us to a place of mutual respect and symbiosis with the natural world within our garden spaces.”
“I’m an ambassador of the natural world, it needs a human voice. I grew up in the wild places of the bogs, fells and wild places in Cumbria, witnessing intricate connections between plant and animal. Gardening regeneratively is intuitive and I am most alive when I am fully immersed in the natural world. I want to share my passion with others to bring us to a place of mutual respect and symbiosis with the natural world within our garden spaces.”

Elizabeth’s training and experience includes:

  • RHS Horticulture, Newton Rigg College
  • MA (Cert ) in Environmental Values, UCLAN
  • Master Composter, Garden Organic
  • Regenerative Practises, Savory Institute
  • Naturalistic Garden Design, Dan Pearson
  • Forest Gardening, Agroforestry research Trust (Martin Crawford)
  • Living and learning on permaculture projects in Europe
  • 10 years gardening experience
